Photos by:   Joe Klein  San Diego California
Copyright by Joe Klein © 

HALO3.jpg (97904 bytes)Lunar Halo  1-8-2004   State Park. CONTRAIL-AG.jpg (43982 bytes)The contrail of planes traveling east caused interesting formations in the sky. 1-8-2004
CONTRAIL-SB.jpg (31705 bytes)The contrail of planes traveling east caused interesting formations in the sky.  1-8-2004   SRCULP.jpg (54921 bytes)A very nice sunrise the day after the November eclipse crests the
horizon in the Culp Valley camp in Anza-Borrego
AGRB.jpg (131249 bytes)A rainbow shines in the sky in the Allied Gardens neighborhood of San Diego.
The Marchy weather was welcome news as Southern California has had drought
conditions during the past several years  
YAQSQ.jpg (137242 bytes)Yaqui Well campgrounds in Anza-Borrego State Park was the setting for this
photo. Nikon FE with 14mm. 


YAQBLU.jpg (82150 bytes)Yaqui Well campgrounds in Anza-Borrego State Park was the setting for this
photo. Nikon FE with 14mm.  
YAQGRNTREE.jpg (110651 bytes)Yaqui Well campground in Anza-Borrego State Park was the setting for this
photo. I painted the center area of the tree using a red gel over a
flashlight. Nikon FE with 14mm.
SBFW2.jpg (66007 bytes)Fireworks during the Super bowl pre-game show in San Diego, January 26. Nikon
D100 Digital. 

SBFW.jpg (66253 bytes)Fireworks during the Super bowl pre-game show in San Diego, January 26. Nikon
D100 Digital
VOTMCOULDS.jpg (60874 bytes)  A rainbow like object can be seen in the clouds photographed during a hike at The Valley of the Moon in the Jacumba Mountains. Nikon D100 with 75mm-300mm. 12-8-2002.
 Joe Klein  - San Diego, California 
VOTMBOW.jpg (49446 bytes)A rainbow like object can be seen in the clouds photographed during a hike at The Valley of the Moon in the Jacumba Mountains. Nikon D100 with 75mm-300mm.  12-8-2002
Joe Klein  - San Diego, California 
RAINBIRD1.jpg (81000 bytes)This bird appears to be enjoying this rainbow as much as I did. Nikon D100
with a 400mm Nikkor attached.
AGSUNRISE.jpg (94603 bytes)An early morning sunrise in the Allied Gardens neighborhood of San Diego.
Nikon D1H with 75mm-300mm. 9-1-2002

Yaqui Well campgrounds in Anza-Borrego State Park was the setting for this
photo. Nikon FE with 14mm.

RAINBOWVOTM.jpg (35089 bytes)A rainbow like object can be seen in the clouds photographed during a hike at The Valley of the Moon in the Jacumba Mountains. Nikon D100 with 75mm-300mm. 12-8-2002.
GALAXYa.jpg (51770 bytes) The Milky Way galaxy as seen from the Laguna Mountains. A  25 second exposure at f1.4 using a 55mm f1.2 lens. Fuji 800 asa color negative film. 7-27-2002
conjunction2.jpg (71386 bytes)This planet conjunction with the moon was shot in the Laguna Mountains.
Nikkor 28mm lens at f5.6 for 8 seconds. Fuji 800asa color negative.
SUNPSP.jpg (40111 bytes)The Sun is filtered with early morning low clouds in El Cajon, California. Nikon D1 at 400. Nikkor 75mm-300mm at 300mm. Photoshop manipulation
reddipper.jpg (59305 bytes)The Big Dipper shows through the trees is this photo in the Laguna Mountains. The tree was illuminated with a powerful flashlight with a red filter during a portion of the exposure. 8 second exposure at f1.4 using a 55mm f1.2 lens. Fuji 800 asa color negative film. 7-27-2002  longtrail.jpg (67121 bytes)A very windy day produced this long star-trail photograph at Yaqui Well in Anza Borrego State Park. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 20mm at f3.5 during a 2 hour exposure, Kodak 800 asa color negative film. 
DIPPER2.jpg (77934 bytes)The Big Dipper shows through the trees is this photo in the Laguna
Mountains. The tree was illuminated with a powerful flashlight during a
portion of the exposure. 8 second exposure at f1.4 using a 55mm f1.2 lens.
Fuji 800 asa color negative film.
Joe Klein, San Diego, California
SUN2.jpg (54234 bytes)The Sun is filter with early morning low clouds in El Cajon, California.
Nikon D1 at 400. Nikkor 75mm-300mm at 75mm.
MWCOMP.jpg (106571 bytes)A new Nikon digital camera is out and what better way to test it out during a night photography session of the Milky Way? The colors were vivid and the photos did quite well at 1250asa. The instant results are very helpful and the information can be used on the older cameras loaded with film. Nikon D100 at 1250asa. 55mm Nikor at f1.2 during a 15 second exposure. 8-11-2002   SUNSET.jpg (56296 bytes)The road up to the Laguna Mountains is called the Sunrise Highway. It also makes a great setting for sunsets. I shot a series of photos over a 20minute period as the sun flattened out into the inversion layer. Nikon D1 at 400. 75mm-300mm at 75mm.
sunset.jpg (56296 bytes)The road up to the Laguna Mountains is called the Sunrise Highway. It also makes a great setting for sunsets. I shot a series of photos over a 20minute period as the sun flattened out into the inversion layer. Nikon D1 at 400. 75mm-300mm at 75mm
astromudcave.jpg_ copy.jpg (59255 bytes)This photo was taken at the Arroyo Tapiado Mud Caves in the Anza-Borrego Desert, California. August 24-25, 2001. This was approximately a 3 hour shot toward a setting Moon with a Nikon F-100, Nikkor 17mm-35mm AF-S f2.8 lens, lens set at f3.5, at 17mm.Kodak SUPRA 800ASA Color Negative Film:  Scanner:
Nikon Coolscan IV (LS-40)     Joe Klein   San Diego California
Fireworks2.jpg (115486 bytes)Kids play with sparklers in Coronado California. Nikon D100 at 400asa. Tamron 20mm-40mm at 20mm. Lens set at f8 for 15 second exposure. July 4, 2002.  Fireworks1.jpg (93293 bytes)Kids play with sparklers in Coronado California. Nikon D100 at 400asa. Tamron 20mm-40mm at 20mm. Lens set at f8 for 15 second exposure. July 4, 2002. 
Fireworks3.jpg (95756 bytes)Fireworks display in Coronado California. Nikon D100 at 400asa. Tamron 20mm-40mm at 20mm. Lens set at f8 for 20 second exposure. July 4, 2002.  palmspring.jpg (52687 bytes)Mountain Palm Springs, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. 24mm Nikkor lens with Kodak Supra 800ASA. 2-17-2002. 
Fireworks4.jpg (88475 bytes)Fireworks display in Coronado California. Nikon D100 at 400asa. Tamron
20mm-40mm at 20mm. Lens set at f8 for 20 second exposure. July 4,
Fireworks5.jpg (89321 bytes)Fireworks display in Coronado California. Nikon D100 at 400asa. Tamron
20mm-40mm at 20mm. Lens set at f8 for 20 second exposure. July 4,
kapoho.jpg (48219 bytes)A multi color light wand on the red mode was used to accent this scene on the Big Island of Hawaii in this 60 second exposure.
May 23, 2002.
plane.jpg (23224 bytes)Photo taken from an airplane in flight in the Pacific ocean.
Nikon 17mm-35mm at 20mm. Fuji 400ASA. May 18, 2002.
yaqui1.jpg (318421 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon FE with Sigma 14mm. 15 minute exposure at f3.5. Tree illuminated during exposure with a flashlight. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002.

yaqui2.jpg (278670 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon FE with Sigma 14mm. 25 minute exposure at f3.5. Meteor and circular star trails. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002.
yaqui3.jpg (398724 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikkormat with at 50mm Nikkor. 35 second exposure at f1.4. Shot at The Big Dipper. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002. yaqui4.jpg (248980 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon FE with Sigma 14mm. 6 minute exposure at f3.5. Red light placed in hole of dead tree. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002.
yaqui5.jpg (294159 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon FE with Sigma 14mm. 90 second exposure at f3.5. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002.
yaqui6.jpg (346820 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikkormat with Nikkor 28mm. 2 minute exposure at f5.6. Shot toward fire and campsite. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002.
yaqui7.jpg (326804 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon FE with Sigma 14mm. 2 minute exposure at f5.6. Shot toward fire and campsite. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002.

Lunarhalo.jpg (48258 bytes)A lunar halo or corona is caused by ice crystals reflecting sunlight. They are usually observed as a storm approaches and often indicate rain in the near future. Kodak Supra 800. 30 second exposure, F 3.5. Nikkor 17-35mm at 20mm. 
yaqui9.jpg (322278 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon FE with Sigma 14mm. 45 minute exposure at f4. Circular star trails with Polaris in tree. Fujipress 800. 4-6-2002. SolarHalo1.jpg (38123 bytes)Mountain Palm Springs, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon D-1 with Sigma 14mm. 320 with F 22 at 1/400. A solar halo or corona is caused by ice crystals reflecting sunlight. They are usually observed as a storm approaches and often indicate rain in the near future. 2-17-2002. 
SolarHalo3.jpg (33027 bytes)Mountain Palm Springs, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon D-1 with Sigma 14mm. 320 with F 22 at 1/400. A solar halo or corona is caused by ice crystals reflecting sunlight. They are usually observed as a storm approaches and often indicate rain in the near future. 2-17-2002.  SolarHalo4.jpg (30356 bytes)Mountain Palm Springs, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikon D-1 with Sigma 14mm. 320 with F 22 at 1/400. A solar halo or corona is caused by ice crystals reflecting sunlight. They are usually observed as a storm approaches and often indicate rain in the near future. 2-17-2002. 
yaquitrees.jpg (186969 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikkormat with Nikkor 28mm. 30 minute exposure at f3.5 shot toward the Orion. Tree illuminated with flashlight. Kodak Supra 800.   01-12-2002 
bbhoopsunrise.jpg (179822 bytes)Sunrise shot through a basketball hoop in the Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego. Nikon D1 digital camera at 320asa. Nikkor 24mm-85mm at 50mm. f16 at 1/125.  12-30.2001
tijuanasunrise.jpg (93917 bytes)Sunrise shot in Tijuana, Mexico, Zona Rio. Nikon D1 digital camera at 320asa. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 17mm. f11 at 1/60  01-09-2002  sunriseag.jpg (180856 bytes)Sunrise shot in the Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego. Nikon D1 digital camera at 320asa. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 17mm. f16 at 1/250.
alliedgardensmoon.jpg (80631 bytes)Moonrise in the Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego. Nikon D1 digital  camera at 320asa. Nikkor 80mm-200mm at 80mm. f8 at 1/125.
tree.jpg_.jpg (137295 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. Nikkormat with Nikkor
28mm. 25 minute exposure at f3.5 shot toward the Orion. Tree illuminated with flashlight. Kodak Supra 800.  01-12-2002 
missionvalley.jpg (225989 bytes) Intersection of freeways Interstates 8 and 805 during rush hour traffic. White streaks were caused by zooming the lens during the 20 second exposure at f5.6. Fuji 400 color negative. Nikkor 75mm-150mm f3.5 Series E lens. In my opinion, every Nikon photographer should own this lens. Long out of  production, the 75mm-150mm can be found used for well under $100.00 on the used market. It's very sharp, pretty fast, light and well made. Excellent portrait length, mid-sized telephoto that also works well with Nikon teleconverters. Part of my Tijuana trip kit.  blairvalleyfire.jpg (215139 bytes)Anza-Borrego State Park, Blair Valley. This ghostly image was created by using a campfire to illuminate the subject as he stirred the fire while putting another log on the fire. The camera was then tilted up toward the sky to record stars falling into the scene. 8 minute exposure at f5.6. Nikon D1 digital camera. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 35mm. 12-15-01 
bvsunrise.jpg (84044 bytes) Anza-Borrego State Park. Sunrise over Blair Valley 1/125 at f8 Nikon D1 digital camera. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 35mm, ISO set to 320asa.
culpplane.jpg (216130 bytes)Anza-Borrego State Park, Culp Valley. A laser pointer was waved in the scene for this shot during the Leonid Meteor Shower. A flashlight illuminated the plants in the foreground as a airliner breezes past. Nikon FE, Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 17mm. An 8 minute exposure at f8 on Kodak Supra 800. 11-18-01 
laser.jpg (278076 bytes)Anza-Borrego State Park, Culp Valley. A laser pointer was directed on to the rock and tree for this shot during the Leonid Meteor Shower. Nikon FE, Nikkor 24mm. A 6 minute exposure at f4 on Kodak Supra 800. 11-18-01  bvcolorlt.jpg (305236 bytes)Anza-Borrego State Park, Blair Valley. A campfire illuminates the subject as a multi mode party wand was waved in the scene. 8 minute exposure at f8. Nikon D1 digital camera. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 35mm. 12-16-01
yaquitrail.jpg (114731 bytes)Yaqui Well, Anza Borrego State Park, San Diego. This appears to be the area that an airliner lets out a plume of exhaust as the they travel to parts eastward. Smoke appeared as clouds throughout the day. D1 digital camera at 320asa. Nikkor 24mm-85mm at 28mm. F11 at 1/500.  01-12-2002  elginstreet.jpg (35093 bytes)Thanksgiving 2001 sunset in the Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego California. Nikon D1H digital camera. 17mm-35mm at 20mm. Nikkor at f 8 at 1/125 at 320asa. 11-22-2001
airtraffic.jpg_.jpg (526193 bytes)Busy airplane traffic is evident in this photograph taken in Anza-Borrego State Park, Blair Valley. A jumbo-jet's wing light intersects Polaris as stars trail are created as the earth rotates on the axis of Polaris. Nikon FE, Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 17mm. A 20 minute exposure at f3.5 on Kodak Supra 800. 12-15-01  streetlight.jpg (37949 bytes)Streetlight glows on cloudy moon-lit night. 20 second exposure at f8. Half the time I unlocked the tripod head and jiggled the camera. Nikkor 17-35mm at 35mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative. 
fishcreektree.jpg (56999 bytes)Split Mountain, Fish Creek campground, Anza-Borrego State Park. I light up the tree with a flashlight and focused on it. Then I opened the lens for about a minute and painted the tree with the flashlight. I then shifted the lens to infinity and exposed the remainder for another 8 minutes. This technique allows the photographer to extend the depth of field without closing down the lens. The tree blurred when I changed focus point to the sky. Nikon FE with Nikkor 50mm at f5.6 with Kodak Supra 800asa.  9-20-2001   

jk.meteor.jpg_.jpg (74674 bytes)Culp Valley campground, Anza-Borrego State Park.
After shooting 3 rolls of Kodak Supra 800 and about 40 images from my Nikon D1H digital camera, I came away with just one meteor photo from the Leonid meteor shower. Fifty to one hundred were visible to the eye per hour and it provided a great show. The remains of clouds and atmospheric haze washed out most meteors on film. Other photographers confirmed this and we were sure we had them in our sights with the lens wide open. The show started early about 10pm Saturday evening with a slow moving, brilliant meteor trail that seem very low to the ground. Flashlight used to render
detail in rocks and foliage. Nikon FE with 17mm-35mm Nikkor at 17mm. 8 minute exposure at f3.5. Kodak Supra 800asa. 11-18-2001  
lvsky.jpg (70842 bytes)High voltage power lines in Las Vegas Nevada was the setting for this cloud formation. Nikon F100 with 17mm-35mm at 17mm. 1/125 at f8 with Kodak Supra 100asa. 11-4-2001

contrail.jpg_ copy.jpg (20645 bytes)  A contrail from a Minuteman II Missile launched from Vandenberg Air force Base in California. This is where sunlight hits the fuel exhaust creating the contrail after the rocket launch. Shot from downtown San Diego, California. Camera: Nikon N-90 with a Nikkor 80mm-200mm f2.8AF zoom at 80mm f8 exposure: 25 seconds Film: Fuji 800 Color Negative    Joe Klein   10/02/1999,
sunsetculp.jpg (42101 bytes)Before the Leonid meteor shower began a sunset glowed over the Culp Valley campground, Anza-Borrego State Park. Nikon D1H digital camera. Nikkor 17mm-35mm at 35mm. 1/125 at f8 at 320asa.
afton.jpg (53423 bytes)Afton Road in Afton California near the border of Nevada and California just off Interstate 15. I painted the wall of the railroad bridge with a flashlight. Nikon FE with Nikkor 24mm. 6 minute exposure at f4 with Kodak Supra 800asa. 11- 2-2001
aftonbridge.jpg (64144 bytes)Afton Road in Afton California near the border of Nevada and California just off Interstate 15. A full moon night lit up the railroad bridge. 5 minute exposure at f4 with Kodak Supra 800asa. Nikon FE with Nikkor 24mm.  11-2-2001
gardenssunset.jpg (32204 bytes)Thanksgiving 2001 provided this spectacular sunset in the Allied Gardens neighborhood of San Diego California. Nikon D1H digital camera. 17mm-35mm Nikkor at f11 at 1/60 at 320asa. 11-22-2001

guydogculp.jpg (20246 bytes)Resting after the Leonid meteor shower I awoke to this sunrise at the Culp Valley campground, Anza-Borrego State Park. A guy with his dog dancing atop the rock outcropping. Nikon D1H digital camera. Nikkor 17mm-35 at 35mm. 1/125 at f11 at 320asa. 11-18-2001
telephone.jpg_.jpg (49752 bytes)The moon glows through a cloud bank in the Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego, California. 6 second exposure at f11. Nikkor 17-35mm at 35mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative.  10-2-2001

nynylasvegas.jpg (54020 bytes)Statue of liberty at casino New York, New York in Las Vegas Nevada and an interesting cloud formation. Nikon F100 with 17mm-35mm at 17mm. 1/125 at f11 with Kodak Supra 100asa. 11-4-2001

sunsetallied.jpg (64355 bytes)The sun sets in the Allied Gardens neighborhood in San Diego California. Nikon D1H digital camera set at 400asa. Nikkor 17mm-35mm set at 17mm at 8 at 1/125. October, 2001

ceasers.jpg (68209 bytes)Ceaser's Palace in Las Vegas Nevada provided the setting for this dramatic loud formation. Nikon F100 with 17mm-35mm at 17mm. 1/125 at f8 with Kodak Supra 100asa. 11-4-2001

Joe Klein, San Diego, California
circlemoon.jpg (45508 bytes)Afton Road in Afton California near the border of Nevada and California just off Interstate 15. A full moon night lit up the railroad bridge and the full moon caused a perfect circle causes by lens flare. 5 minute exposure at f4 with Kodak Supra 800asa. Nikon FE with Nikkor 24mm.  11-2-2001 Joe Klein, San Diego, California
aftonbridge.jpg (64144 bytes)Afton Road in Afton California near the border of Nevada and California just off Interstate 15. A full moon night lit up the landscape while I walked up and down the road with an LED flasher. 8 minute exposure at f8 with Kodak Supra 800asa. 11- 2-2001
culpsunrise.jpg (37386 bytes)After getting a couple hours of rest of after the Leonid meteor shower I awoke to this sunrise at the Culp Valley campground, Anza-Borrego State Park. Nikon D1H digital camera. Nikkor 17mm-35 at 35mm. 1/125 at f11 at 320asa. 11-18-2001
Joe Klein, San Diego, California
mudcavemoon copy.jpg (34506 bytes)This photo was taken at the Arroyo Tapiado Mud Caves in the Anza-Borrego Desert, California on August 24-25, 2001. Shot toward a setting Moon. Approximately 45 minute exposure, detail on mountains and mud caves obtained by painting landscape with a large Maglite flashlight     campsite copy.jpg (53647 bytes) Star Trails shot at the Tamarisk Grove Campground in the Anza-Borrego Desert, California.  Shot toward the East. Nikkor 17mm-35mm AF-S f2.8 lens, lens set at f3.5, at 17mm. Exposure: approximately 30 minute exposure. Light streak made by unaware photographer wearing a head lamp flashlight around the neck.    
Star Trails and meteor or shooting star, shot at the Tamarisk Grove
Campground in the Anza-Borrego Desert, California on 9-17-2001. Shot toward the Northwest. Approximately 40 minute exposure, glow over horizon was due to cars passing by on State Route 78. 
Star Trails and meteor shot at the Tamarisk Grove Campground in the Anza-Borrego Desert. . Shot toward the Northwest. Camera: Nikkormat FT2 with a 24mm 2.8 Nikkor Lens, at f8. Exposure: approximately 4 hour exposure, detail on plants obtained by painting with a large Maglite flashlight.    9-17-2001
Hand-held exposure of about 3 seconds of fireworks at f8. Ektachrome 100 film. July Mid 1980's

Sunset over Fifth Avenue in San Diego's historic Gas lamp Quarter. 
8 second exposure f16. Kodak Ektachrome. 1996 

22nd and Market Street in the Golden Hill section just east of downtown San Diego. 20 second exposure at f22. Kodak Ektachrome 100. Half the exposure the camera was steadied on a tripod, the other half I loosened the head and wiggled the camera into oncoming traffic.  1995 Fifth Avenue and University Avenue. 3 second exposure at dawn, f22.
Fujichrome 100. Light streaks caused by a bus passing through the scene
This shot is of a rainbow arching over the historic Cabrillo National Monument lighthouse at the end of Point Loma. 1/125 at f11. Kodak Ektachrome 100.  1995 22nd and Market Street in the Golden Hill section just east of downtown San Diego. 20 second exposure at f22. Kodak Ektachrome 100. Half the exposure the camera was steadied on a tripod, the other half I loosened the head and wiggled the camera into oncoming traffic. 1995
Entry gate to 32nd Street Naval Base at pre dawn. 5 second exposure at f8.Kodak Ektachrome 100.
The setting sun shot out the window of a airliner in Northern California.
1/125 at f8. Kodachrome 200. 1996
Some sort of contrail forming a rainbow, shot in New Mexico. 1/125 at f11 Kodachrome 200.  1995 Some sort of contrail forming a rainbow shot in New Mexico. 1/125 at f11 Kodachrome 200. 1995
Hand-held exposure of about 3 seconds of fireworks. Ektachrome 100 film. July Mid 1980's Fireworks show from Coronado California of the downtown San Diego skyline. 5 second exposure at f8. Fujichrome 100. 1996
This shot is of a rainbow at the historic Cabrillo National Monument at the end of Point Loma. 1/125 at f11. Kodak Ektachrome 100. 1995 A sunset from a moving car in New Mexico. 1/125 at f8. Kodachrome 200. 1995
culpdouble.jpg (63422 bytes)Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. 35 minute exposure combined with a 25 minutes additional after unlocking the tripod head and rotating the camera, at f8. Fuji 1600 asa color negative. Nikkor 17-35mm at 17mm. 
 9-29-2001  San Diego, California
maglite.jpg_.jpg (347456 bytes)Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. 20 minute exposure at f 5.6. The streak created by swirling a powerful Maglite through scene. Nikkor 24mm. Fuji 1600 asa color negative.

polarisculp.jpg_.jpg (56582 bytes)Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. 30 minute exposure at f8. Nikkor 24mm. Fuji 1600asa color negative.

 9-29-2001  San Diego, California
moonrock.jpg (69113 bytes)Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. This close-up of a rock outcropping was shot with a super-wide angle lens. The rocks appears as mountains although they were 2 feet high. Flashlight with red and blue filters used to paint the rocks. 8 minute exposure at f4. Nikkor 17-35mm at 17mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative.           9-29-2001   
sandstone.jpg (53709 bytes)Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. This close-up of a rock outcropping was shot with a super-wide angle lens. The rocks appears as mountains although they were 2 feet high. 8 minute exposure at f5.6. Nikkor 17-35mm at 17mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative.   9-29-2001    moonrise.jpg (56060 bytes)Culp Valley in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California. The moon is rising while an assistant waves a flashlight in the air. 4 minute exposure at f4. Nikkor 5Omm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative.

Joe Klein  9-29-2001 
alliedgardens.jpg (65943 bytes)Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego, California near San Diego State
University. Red and white streaks from traffic passing by as the clouds blow to the northeast. 8 minute exposure at f8. Nikkor 17-35mm at 17mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative. 10-2-2001
clouds.jpg (55606 bytes)Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego, California near San Diego State
University. Red and white streaks from traffic passing by as the clouds blow to the northeast. 6 minute exposure at f5.6. Nikon 17-35mm at 17mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative. 
sunset.jpg_.jpg (50730 bytes)A sunset in the Allied Gardens suburb of San Diego, California near San Diego State University. 6 second exposure at f4. Nikkor 17-35mm at 17mm. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative. 
skymoon.jpg (21987 bytes)The moon through clouds in the Allied Gardens suburb of  San Diego, California near San Diego State University. 4 second exposure at f 11. I scanned the image and made two copies and adjusted density for the sky on image one and the moon on the other. In Adobe Photoshop I combined the two scanned images. 400mm Nikkor. Kodak SUPRA 800 color negative.10-2-2001  
POLARIS.jpg (205572 bytes) Star trails with the camera pointed north.  Taken from the  Laguna Mountains. 14mm Sigma lens at f3.5. 15 minute exposure.
conjunction.jpg (57636 bytes)This planet conjunction with the moon was shot in the Laguna Mountains. Nikkor 28mm lens at f5.6 for 10 seconds. Fuji 800asa color negative. 7-27-2002
DIPPERa.jpg (101323 bytes)The Big Dipper shows through the trees is this photo in the Laguna
Mountains. The tree was illuminated with a powerful flashlight during a portion of the exposure. 15 second exposure at f5.6 using a 55mm f1.2 lens. Fuji 800 asa color negative film. 7-27-2002

AIRPORTSUNSET.jpg (64532 bytes)A sunset is seen near the airport and harbor in San Diego. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 70mm-300mm.   7-12-2003


OCEANBEACHSS.jpg (69339 bytes) The colors in the sky were shot at sunset toward the east. The location was OB Peopleís natural food co-op in Ocean Beach California. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 24mm-85mm. 8-14-2003
MURRIETA-SS.jpg (73266 bytes)After a long drive from Fresno California, this sunset was the perfect setting for a rest and photos in the Riverside City of Murrieta. . Nikon D100 with Nikkor 70mm-300mm. 8-7-2003
COROSB.jpg (63233 bytes)One of the largest light shows took place in San Diego on Saturday, January 25, 2003. The show was photographed from Coronado the night before the 2003 Super bowl. Nikon D100 Digital.
 Joe Klein  - San Diego, California
OCEANBEACHSS3.jpg (90328 bytes)The colors in the sky were shot at sunset toward the east. The location was OB People's natural food co-op in Ocean Beach California. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 24mm-85mm. 8-14-2003.

Joe Klein - San Diego, California
ncalifsunset.jpg (77383 bytes)One of the largest fireworks shows took place in San Diego on Saturday January 25, 2003. The show was photographed from Coronado the night before the 2003 Super bowl. Nikon D100 Digital.
 Joe Klein  - San Diego, California
AGSUNRISE-2.jpg (140091 bytes)
A Solar Halo is caused as light refracts ice crystals in the air.

RAINBOWGH.jpg (59040 bytes)This bird appears to be enjoying this rainbow as much as I did. Nikon D100  with a 400mm Nikkor attached.

 Joe Klein  - San Diego, California  
SCECLIPSE5.jpg (70759 bytes)A total lunar eclipse is caused as the earth shadow passes into the direct sunlight that illuminates the moon. Some filtered light reaches the moon causing the orange glow. This series of photos was photographed in the Anza-Borrego Desert starting at 8:15pm just after the eclipse peak. The full moon reappeared at about 10:40pm. As the moon rose over the horizon it appeared huge and translucent with a red glow visible and the deep blue sky showing through the moon. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 400mm. 5-15-2003   Joe Klein 
ECLIPSECOMP1.jpg (20176 bytes)A total lunar eclipse is caused as the earth shadow passes into the direct sunlight that illuminates the moon. Some filtered light reaches the moon causing the orange glow. This series of photos was photographed in the Anza-Borrego Desert starting at 8:15pm just after the eclipse peak. The full moon reappeared at about 10:40pm. As the moon rose over the horizon it
appeared huge and translucent with a red glow visible and the deep blue sky
showing through the moon. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 400mm. 5-15-2003   Joe Klein - San Diego, California  
SCECLIPSE3.jpg (45417 bytes)A total lunar eclipse is caused as the earth shadow passes into the direct sunlight that illuminates the moon. Some filtered light reaches the moon causing the orange glow. This series of photos was photographed in the Anza-Borrego Desert starting at 8:15pm just after the eclipse peak. The full moon reappeared at about 10:40pm. As the moon rose over the horizon it appeared huge and translucent with a red glow visible and the deep blue sky showing through the moon. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 400mm. 5-15-2003   Joe Klein - San Diego, California
BWSUNSET1.jpg (56823 bytes)This sunset set worked well in black and white and I thought it would be a nice contrast to all the wonderful color shots on SkyChasers. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 70mm-300mm. 7-27-2003
Joe Klein - San Diego, California  
BWSUNSET2.jpg (57481 bytes)This sunset set worked well in black and white and I thought it would be a nice contrast to all the wonderful color shots on SkyChasers. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 70mm-300mm. 7-27-2003
Joe Klein - San Diego, California
CLOUDSSUNSET.jpg (72853 bytes)This sunset was captured in Santee California near San Diego. Nikon D1H with Nikkor 70mm-300mm. 7-27-2003

 Joe Klein - San Diego, California  
PINK-SUN.jpg (81281 bytes)This photo was taken in downtown San Diego, where the smoke was
particularly dense during Southern California wildfires. The blaze
responsible for the smoky skies and this pink Sun came to be known as the "Cedar Fire." It consumed 280,000 acres and over 2,200 homes were destroyed, and it was allegedly caused by a lost hunter using a signal flare to locate help. 10-27-2003  
BLUE-TREE.jpg (78890 bytes) The tree at Yaqui Well in the Anza-Borrego was painted with a D-cell
flashlight with a blue gel get attached. 
5-15-2003 Joe Klein, San Diego, California
ECLIPSETRAIL.jpg (106501 bytes)This photo shows the path of the May 2003 eclipse. Yaqui Well, in the Anza-Borrego Desert. 5-15-2003 

 Joe Klein - San Diego, California

TWOCLRTREE.jpg (108279 bytes)Yaqui Well campgrounds in Anza-Borrego State Park was the setting for this photo. I painted the tree using two different colored lights on each side of the tree. Nikon FE with 14mm.


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