About Us
SkyChasers was created by Paul Wicklund and
Suzanne Ruby out of our obsession with the night sky. We live in Eastern
Washington and are past members of the Spokane
Astronomical Society and served on the Board of Directors.
We are also amateur telescope builders and have made several of our own scopes.
Our shared interest in astronomy eventually led us to a desire to photograph
the sky above.
We made our first attempts at photography in 1999 and in the beginning we
could barely tell the ground from the sky through our cameras, and we have the
photos to prove it. But we quickly learned the basics and started getting some
pretty good shots with nothing but our cameras mounted on a tripod. A little
experience went a long way and a couple good photos turned our interest in
photography into a whole new branch of astronomical obsession. Especially when
it comes to photographing auroras.
Since we are by no means professional photographers, we assumed there
must be lots of people out there capturing all kinds of natural wonders on film,
and we would like to see them. You don't need the Hubble telescope to capture a
great sky shot! We have seen our photos, and now we want to see yours. So send
us your photos and we will post them for others to see.
We want to thank all the members of the SAS who have helped us with all our astronomical endeavors, and a special thanks to Ken and Brendan, who helped make this site possible.