Photos by Philippe Moussette, Québec Canada 

halosol2a.jpg (19799 bytes) Taken in Cap-Rouge.  April 25 2004 with my 8mm lens. Canon Digital Rebel camera

 e-mail to: Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada


6 copy.jpg (28938 bytes) The Orion nebula was taken with a Cannon digital Rebel and a 10'' telescope at Découverte Observatory. 4 pictures stacked, 1 minute exposure each picture at 1600 ASA

See more photos by: Philippe Moussette - Quebec Canada  
double.jpg (57745 bytes)double.jpg. Was taken August 9 2004 with 4" telescope f5 at 1600ASA exposed 2 minutes

 Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada 

transitven2sw copy.jpg (18998 bytes) This was taken with my 400mm f5.6 tamron lens auto systaimme at 
Québec Canada. June 8 2004  Digital rebel camera.

 Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada  
m1016aout05.jpg (65698 bytes)andro4aout05.jpg double4aout05.JPG was taken with a 200mm f2.8 lens 3 minute 
exposed august 4 2005 

Philippe Moussette
double4aout05.jpg (139870 bytes)andro4aout05.jpg double4aout05.JPG was taken with a 200mm f2.8 lens 3 minute 
exposed august 4 2005  

Philippe Moussette
m81m829aout05.jpg (50040 bytes)m81m829aout05.JPG was taken with a 200mm f2.8 lens 3 minut exposed august 9 2005 lune15aout052.jpg (21189 bytes) lune15aout052.JPG Was taken with a 15mm lens 5 second exposed august 15 2005

Philippe Moussette
aur11sept056 copy.jpg (37903 bytes) Taken September 11 2005 at Ile D'orléand Québec Canada at 1600ASA exposed 5 to 10 second with a 8mm lens

 Philippe Moussette

aur11sept055 copy.jpg (45534 bytes) Taken September 11 2005 at Ile D'orléand Québec Canada at 1600ASA exposed 5 to 10 second with a 8mm lens

 Philippe Moussette

aur11sept052 copy.jpg (39456 bytes)Taken September 11 2005 at Ile D'orléand Québec Canada at 1600ASA exposed 5 to 10 second with a 8mm lens

 Philippe Moussette

aur11sept051 copy.jpg (41246 bytes)Taken September 11 2005 at Ile D'orléand Québec Canada at 1600ASA exposed 5 to 10 second with a 8mm lens

 Philippe Moussette

Gamacyn30juin05.jpg (217019 bytes)Gamacyn30juin05.jpg Na30juil05.jpg was taken with a 200mm f2.8 lens 3 minute 
exposed July 30 2005

Philippe Moussette
voil2aout05.jpg (129312 bytes)voil2aout05.JPG Was taken with a 15mm lens 5 minutes exposed august 2 2005

Philippe Moussette
m8m2012juin1 copy.jpg (61823 bytes)M8 & M20 [the lagoon and trifid nebulas]  Taken with my 200mm 400mm tamron. Exposed four minutes at 1600ASA. Taken with my digital rebel camera at St-Elzéard Québec

  Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada  
NGC700021 copy.jpg (114205 bytes)NGC7000  [the north american nebula] Taken with my 200mm 400mm tamron. 2 pictures combined. One four and one five minute exposure at 1600ASA   Taken at St-Elzéard Québec

Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada  

voilacte31juillet.JPG (120338 bytes)Taken on July 31 2002.  A 15 min exposure taken from the Mont Cosmos Observatory

Philippe Moussette  Quebec, Canada 
aur6aout053.jpg (31472 bytes)aur6aout053.JPG aur6aout054.JPG aur6aout054.JPG aur06aout057.JPG Was taken august 6 2005 with a 15mm lent f 3.5 15 seconds

Philippe Moussette  
aur6aout054.jpg (38674 bytes)aur6aout053.JPG aur6aout054.JPG aur6aout054.JPG aur06aout057.JPG Was taken august 6 2005 with a 15mm lent f 3.5 15 seconds

Philippe Moussette 
aur06aout057.jpg (50310 bytes)aur6aout053.JPG aur6aout054.JPG aur6aout054.JPG aur06aout057.JPG Was taken august 6 2005 with a 15mm lent f 3.5 15 seconds

Philippe Moussette
aur11avr054.jpg (37700 bytes)All pictures were taken with my Canon 20D. 
All aurora was taken at 10 second exposure at 1600ASA with 19mm lens on April 11 2005 at Cap-Rouge

 Philippe Moussette
avr11avr055.jpg (29985 bytes)All pictures were taken with my Canon 20D. 
All aurora was taken at 10 second exposure at 1600ASA with 19mm lens on April 11 2005 at Cap-Rouge

 Philippe Moussette
aur11avr053.jpg (34797 bytes)All pictures were taken with my Canon 20D. 
All aurora was taken at 10 second exposure at 1600ASA with 19mm lens on April 11 2005 at Cap-Rouge

 Philippe Moussette
avr11avr056.jpg (37808 bytes)All pictures were taken with my Canon 20D. 
All aurora was taken at 10 second exposure at 1600ASA with 19mm lens on April 11 2005 at Cap-Rouge

 Philippe Moussette
circoumaurore1.JPG (23364 bytes)  Taken with Konica Centuria 800 and fisheye lens. Image 
stopped in 10 minutes and taken on the same negative exposed 50 minutes and 40 minutes stopped.
 Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada  
voil28juil11.JPG (63612 bytes)This was taken with a Konica Centuria 800 and 16mm fisheye lend 
exposed 5 minutes at Port Au Saumon, Québec, Canada.   July 28 2003.

Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada
See more photos at:
or at:
leo2.JPG (23686 bytes)I took these photos of the Leonids taken on  Konica Centuria 1600 with a 15mm lent and Pentax ME Super at Camp de l'arche sT-Helzéar Québec Canada 3 minute  exposures

Philippe Moussette  Quebec, Canada  
léonides.JPG (33264 bytes)I took these photos of the Leonids taken on  Konica Centuria 1600 with a 15mm lens and Pentax ME Super at Camp de l'arche sT-Helzéar Québec Canada 3 minute  exposures

aur26dec0211.JPG (27761 bytes) The aurora  taken December 26 2002,  in Cap-Rouge, Quebec, Canada  The camera was a Coolpix 995 at 400 asa, 15 - 20 seconds exposures

 Philippe Moussette  - Quebec, Canada   
aur26dec0221.JPG (27591 bytes) Taken December 26 2002 in Cap-Rouge, Quebec, Canada  
  Philippe Moussette
8mmvoil.jpg (37949 bytes)The Milky Way taken in the  Mont Cosmos observatory on June 
21 2003 with Pro Via 400 film and a Nikon FE and a  Zenitar 16mm Fisheye lens and a 5 minutes exposure
 Philippe Moussette  Quebec, Canada 
aur17juin35mm1 copy.jpg (37846 bytes) Taken with my Nikon FE with a 16mm Fisheye Zenitar lens. Exposed 20 seconds whit Konica Centuria 800.  June 17,  2003 at Mont Cosmos Observatory St-Elzéar Québec Canada. 
  Philippe Moussette  Quebec, Canada 
ar29avr021.JPG (40144 bytes)Aurora picture taken in Cap-Rouge at April 29th, 2003 at Cannon Powershot A60 at 400 ASA 15 seconds exposed. Canon A 60 was great digital camera and appeared light of aurora.

 Philippe Moussette -  Quebec, Canada 
ar29avr022.JPG (39793 bytes)Taken in Cap-Rouge at April 29th, 2003 at Cannon Powershot A60 at 400 ASA 15 seconds exposure.

Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada 
halo3a.jpg (42473 bytes)Taken in Cap-Rouge.  March 28 2004 with my 8mm lens. Canon Digital Rebel camera.

 Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada
aur7nov0411.jpg (71692 bytes)This photos were taken with a  Canon digital rebel camera and 8mm fisheye lens at 1600ASA.  Exposed 4 seconds.  November 7 2004 at Observatoire de la Découverte Val-Bélair Québec Canada.
 Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada 
aur26juil042re copy.jpg (35826 bytes)Aurora picture take whit mi Cannon digital rebel camera at 
fisheye lent Exposed 4 tou 7 seconde at 1600ASA in Cap-Rouge Québec Canada

Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada
aur26juil044re copy.jpg (31160 bytes)Aurora picture take whit mi Cannon digital rebel camera at 
fisheye lent Exposed 4 tou 7 seconde at 1600ASA in Cap-Rouge Québec Canada

  Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada

m11 copy.jpg (42356 bytes) Star Cluster  M 11 taken with a Coolpix 4500 and a Mead LX90 an Mont Cosmos Observatory in  St-Elzéar Québec Canada. Exposure was 45 seconds at 400asa  June 21, 2003    
 Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada 
m13 copy.jpg (50940 bytes)Star Cluster  M 13 taken with a Coolpix 4500 and a Mead LX90 an Mont Cosmos Observatory in  St-Elzéar Québec Canada. Exposure was 45 seconds at 400asa  June 21, 2003
 Philippe Moussette  Quebec, Canada 
lagune,copy.jpg (75717 bytes)lagune.jpg was taken August 9 2004 with a 4' telescope f5 at 1600ASA exposed 2 minutes 
 Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada
voil111.jpg (77304 bytes)voil111.jpg was taken August 19 2004 with a fisheye lens at 1600ASA exposed 5 minutes

  Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada

aur16juil4imp.jpg (33375 bytes)Aurora taken with my digital Canon Rebel 300D 
camera. Exposed 15 seconds at 1600ASA with fisheye klent in Mont Cosmos Observatory, St-Elzéar Beauce Québec, Canada 
 Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada
aur16juil5imp.jpg (39558 bytes)Aurora taken with my digital Canon Rebel 300D 
camera. Exposed 15 seconds at 1600ASA with fisheye klent in Mont Cosmos Observatory, St-Elzéar Beauce Québec, Canada  
  Philippe Moussette - Quebec, Canada
aur7nov046.jpg (44499 bytes)This photos were taken with a  Canon digital rebel camera and 8mm fisheye lens at 1600ASA.  Exposed 4 seconds.  November 7 2004 at Observatoire de la Découverte Val-Bélair Québec Canada.
 Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada 
aur7nov0431.jpg (60957 bytes)This photos were taken with a  Canon digital rebel camera and 8mm fisheye lens at 1600ASA.  Exposed 4 seconds.  November 7 2004 at Observatoire de la Découverte Val-Bélair Québec Canada.
 Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada  
NA24juin061 copy.jpg (212372 bytes) NA24juin061.jpg was taken in Foret 
Momorency in Parc des laurentides 100km nort of Québec. June 24 2006

NASTAGAPIT copy.jpg (175585 bytes)NASTAGAPIT.jpg was taken in St-Agapit whit light pollution filter June 17 2006

Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada
Président club d'astronomie VÉGA de Cap-Rouge
Membre groupe ASTRO & CCD
gama23juin06 copy.jpg (207625 bytes)gama23juin06.jpg was taken in Foret 
Momorency in Parc des laurentides 100km nort of Québec. June 24 2006

 Philippe Moussette - Québec Canada
aur11avr052.jpg (33881 bytes)All pictures were taken with my Canon 20D. 
All aurora was taken at 10 second exposure at 1600ASA with 19mm lens on April 11 2005 at Cap-Rouge

  Philippe Moussette

See more photos by: Philippe Moussette - Quebec Canada 

e-mail to:    Philippe Moussette