Photos by Dave Miller

9-07-02Aurora5.jpg (24195 bytes)The images were taken the night of 9-07-02 from a Dark sky site in
Allegheny National Forest PA. Kodak Royal Gold 400 Select Series film, Minolta X-700 camera with 50mm lens set at F1.7, all images were approximately 20 second exposures. 
9-07-02Aurora6.jpg (23186 bytes) Taken in the Allegheny National Forest PA. September 7th, 2002
The aurora was very bright at times causing shadows to be cast and the reds were visually bright."
9-07-02Aurora7.jpg (29446 bytes)Taken in the Allegheny National Forest PA. September 7th, 2002 northamerican.jpg (84535 bytes)NGC-7000 North American Nebula, a Minolta X-700 rode piggyback on a Meade 10" SCT, 50mm lens set at F1.7 7 minute exposure on Kodak PPF-400 
Image was taken from Spencer Lake Spencer Ohio.
parhelic-circle.jpg (14785 bytes)Parhelic circle, this 50mm image shows a section of a full 360 degree
parhelic circle, a full 360 degrees in azimuth and 45 degrees in altitude, envision looking through a ring overhead with the sun being the diamond.  The sun is to my back in the image. 

8-12-00a.jpg (10908 bytes)Aurora image from 8/12/00 the night of the 2000 Persiod meteors
Minolta X-700 50mm lens, 20 second exposure on Kodak Select Series 400 
Image taken from Barberton Ohio, N41.01858 latitude.
sp-scenic17.jpg (14225 bytes) Sunrise from Spruce Knob WV, Sony Digital-8 single frame.
Crepuscular rays are visible in the sky extending out from the
sun, normally not a good sign for astronomers.
image2.jpg (8687 bytes)Aurora imaged 11/06/01
Minolta X-700 50mm lens 20 - 25 second exposures on Kodak Gold 400.
Imaged from Barberton Ohio N41.01858
image1.jpg (13776 bytes)Aurora imaged 11/06/01
Minolta X-700 50mm lens 20 - 25 second exposures on Kodak Gold 400.
Imaged from Barberton Ohio N41.01858
jp-io60st.jpg (4397 bytes)Io transit across Jupiter. Meade 10" SCT Sony Digital-8 image.
Imaged 1/04/02 60 frames combined for the final image.

Venus-Mercury2-05-07F.jpg (100693 bytes)Venus & Mercury - A beautiful sight on a Very cold February evening. Date: 2/05/07
Time: 6:46 PM EST. Location: Silver Creek Park, Norton Ohio Temp: -16 °C  Canon 20D, Canon 70-210mm lens @ 70mm F8.0 ISO-800 4-seconds
Copyright (c) 2007 Dave Miller

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